March 17, 2024 The Resonance of Transcendentals: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in Modern Times

In the most recent episode of our podcast, we ventured on a philosophical expedition, joining forces with notable figures such as Reverend David Capes, Father Mario Arroyo, and Rudy Kong. Our dialogue took us through a labyrinth of thought on the presence of God, the human inclination to believe, and the overarching influence of what are traditionally known as the transcendentals: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

The group takes a deep dive into the realms of faith, art, and philosophy, enriching our perspectives and inviting us to consider the profound ways these domains intersect. As we reminisced over the legacy left by Sir Roger Scruton, we pondered the transformative power of beauty, its societal implications, and its place in conservative thought.

Our conversation transitioned to art and its metamorphosis throughout time, with a particular emphasis on how cultural movements have shifted from creating to deconstructing. Memes, the modern canvas of expression, were highlighted as symptomatic of a broader cultural inclination to prioritize critique over celebration. We deliberated over the implications of Nietzsche’s declaration of God’s death on our cultural landscape and how such shifts have morphed our perceptions of truth and beauty.

We didn’t shy away from contentious subjects that underpin our broader contemplation of beauty in nature and the unique human capacity to recognize and ascribe value to beauty. We delved into the nuances of how beauty is perceived across different species, the complexities of evolutionary explanations, and the enchanting power of music to transform.

The deconstruction of beauty in contemporary society took center stage in a subsequent chapter, where we explored the implications of a world that seems to tear down rather than uphold beauty. We reflected on the integration of beauty in ancient rites compared to the present-day cultural movements that often forgo beauty in favor of power dynamics and ideologies such as cultural Marxism.

In our philosophical musings, we sought to unravel the enduring significance of truth, goodness, and beauty. Their divine resonance was palpable as we considered their philosophical and theological implications in the face of modernity’s spiritual warfare. We ended our discussion by acknowledging the resilience of believers and the strength of Judeo-Christian values amidst contemporary challenges.

This episode is not merely an intellectual endeavor but a source of inspiration, calling listeners to reflect on the beauty surrounding us and the truths that bind us. As we gear up for next week’s continuation with Stuart at the helm, we invite you to remain engaged in these crucial conversations that shape our human experience.